Saturday, December 26, 2009

Standing help with my research

Identity and Care

I’m working on a research project to which I welcome your input and sources.
The basic relationship under analysis is how identity affects care. More specifically, how does self understanding of identity affect the way individuals and groups care for others? To delineate a bit further, identity will, of course, be explored as contingent and contextual, while care is here connoting physical provision or assistance rather than simply concern or varied emotional and psychological attachments.
My program is a fun brew of theology and international affairs, so we have a wealth of variety open to draw from. Your tips and examples will be fun to explore, and they are greatly appreciated! Drop me a line here with books, articles, or simply your musings about identity and care.
Mike C.
Friends thus far have dropped a variety of goodies like:
Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann The Social Construction of Reality: A Treaty in The Sociology of Knowledge, 1967.
Philip F. Esler's work in the New Testament, such as Conflict and Identity in Romans :The Social Setting of Paul's Letter (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2003)
J. Louis Martyn, "Epistemology at the Turn of the Ages," a chapter included in a couple of collections. Other conversations and folks I owe for the pooling of their knowledge and resources include: Bruce Hamill     Theosis and participation Daniel Hartley    Finding a Voice Michael J. Gorman      "Cruciformity" and Cruciformity   and Inhabiting the Cruciform God... (and a jillion other goodies I'll continue to learn from!) Mara Brecht     "Epistemology and Religious Diversity" Christos Kyrou  "Peace Ecology: An Emerging Paradigm in Peace Studies" Stanley Hauerwas Wilderness Wanderings John Howard Yoder The Politics of Jesus

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