Friday, January 8, 2010

If All the World’s A Stage

I’m glad for friends helping me learn “my parts.” Brian has had me thinking of how I have so much more to learn about Jesus and his Way. It reminded me of my friend and mentor, Tom Letchworth, describing some of the considerations for “living the story”:
If we study the life of Jesus, if we think and act like Jesus, if we contextualize that life in our own lives, we will begin to become the "Little Christs" of which Luther spoke.

Just one catch. I defy anyone to do this, under their own power. I've tried. I've seen others try. Trying to live the life of Christ under your own power leads to futility, frustration and failure. Either we become involuted narcissists, constantly asking ourselves "how'm I doing, how'm I doing?" and growing less and less interested in others; or, we become legalistic Pharisees about the very acts and thoughts that should liberate us. Or, worse, we become both of the above-Narcissistic Pharisees.

No, the only way to live Christ's life is to allow Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to dwell in us. We begin, no matter where we are on the spiritual journey, with a repeated act of surrender that imitates Christ in Gethsemane: "Not my will, but Thine be done."
-from Tom’s “If All the World’s A Stage
The way the Way has been distorted and borrowed, it is imperative that the Director direct!
Mike C.

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